Years of war has caused millions to flee their homes in search of safety and left countless people in urgent need of humanitarian aid.
We will be building safe and secure homes for refugees families. You can also contribute to land for a new village!
Your donation can be Sadaqah Jariyah and is Zakat eligible. Widows, orphans, the disabled and elderly will be prioritised.
It costs £3,000 to build a complete home or 12 payments of £250.
Each home will have access to safe water, a kitchen, bathroom and two rooms.
We built 5 villages to include over 2,000 homes, with a mosque, a school, women's safe space in each village and close to the SKT hospital.
Together we will move the displaced out of make shift tents and in to secure homes in a Safe Haven.
You can build a safe and secure home with 2 rooms, a bathroom and kitchen. Improving lives with a clean place to live, helping to fight off death from diseases, protection from the summer heat and harsh winter.
10 Years of Conflicts in Shaam have meant millions have fled their homes, sometimes in the middle of the night with no possessions, and sought shelter in camps. Their homes are made from sheets of tarpaulin and cotton sheets, and fail to keep out the bitter wind, rain, or snow.
As winter approaches, those living in refugee camps and temporary accommodation fear for their lives. Winter can be brutal, with temperatures falling well below zero and with snow and icy conditions.
With SKT Welfare, you can help build secure homes for refugees. You can help create safe havens for those who have fled their homes and witnessed unimaginable horrors. Our homes will keep them warm and protected over the winter months, and for years to come.
Build a Safe Haven for £250 per month for 12 months.
It costs £3,000 and you can build a safe and secure home for a family. We will give priority to widows, orphans, the disabled and the elderly.
Each home will have two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom with water. The houses will have a concrete roof. Together we will build 4 villages each with 250 homes, a mosque, a school to cater for each village. Each village will be in close proximity to our SKT hospital. Building a strong community that can thrive.
Living in temporary tents and camps mean women and children are even more vulnerable. Without secure walls, doors or roofs, women and children lack the security and privacy to truly live lives with dignity and honour.
Our Safe Haven villages will also include private recreational spaces for women, where they can relax and support one another.
This project is Zakat eligible and also a wonderful opportunity for Sadaqah Jariyah.
Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.