Schedule your giving with My Ten Nights, ready for Lailat Ul Qadr

My Ten Nights

SKT Welfare is working with My Ten Nights so you can schedule your giving over the last ten days of Ramadan and never miss the holiest of all nights!

We know that many people will be focusing on increased worship and prayer in these final few days of Ramadan, eager to reap the benefits and rewards of Laylatul Qadr.

Scheduling your charitable giving with My Ten Nights takes away the worry of giving in these blessed nights, and will allow you to concentrate on your worship and prayers. As your donations are automated and spread out across the ten nights, you’ll never miss Laylatul Qadr! Your Zakat, Sadaqah Lillah and Sadaqah Jariyah will be taken care of.

My Ten Nights

How does it work?

Scheduling your donations is super easy – click the button to launch My Ten Nights, and it’s 3 quick and easy steps: 

  1. Choose from our list of amazing causes to support
  2. Schedule your donations. You can split your donations evenly across the last ten days or choose to give more on certain nights. The choice is yours.
  3. Complete your transaction

Easy! You can rest assured knowing that your donations will be made automatically, ensuring you don’t miss giving on the sacred Night of Power, which is greater than 1,000 months! 

Schedule your donations today.


Loaves of bread was baked for families.


Provided with clean running water.


Patients were treated for medical issues


People received winter appeal packs.


Our unique policy means that every single penny that you donate is used for serving those who are in need, not administrative nor overhead costs; which are either covered by direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
