100% ZAKAT . 100% SADAQAH . 100% LILLAH . 100% TRUST


Here at SKT Welfare we believe Qurbani is a sacred act. A great virtue that embodies love and devotion to Allah, it's our chance to offer our very best in sacrifice and a symbol of our commitment to serve those in need.
Last year, we witnessed the incredible impact of your generosity as over 1 million people across 14+ countries celebrated Eid with the blessings of Qurbani meat. This year, we hope to double that number and provide more food and meat for the poor and needy.

Send your Qurbani to a country close to your heart.



Ibrahim (a.s) dedicated himself to ALLAH (SWT) by following his dream and performing the sacrifice. However, ALLAH (SWT) intervened and a ram was substituted for Ismail (a.s).

Ismail (as) was spared because Ibrahim (as) proved he would sacrifice his son out of piety, despite the hardship, pain, and loss it would have caused him. In the same vein, Ibrahim's obedience to Allah (SWT) continues to be celebrated through religious sacrifice.

‘The Prophet () sacrificed for the one who could not sacrifice from his ummah, one who bore witness to the Oneness of Allah and [his] Prophethood’ (Tabarani and Ahmad) 

To ensure that the meat for Qurbani is procured according to Sharia, we ensure the following:

  •  That the animal is healthy;
  •  The animal is at least one year of age.
  •  The meat of the animal was not stunned during the slaughter process and is of good quality for consumption.
  •  The Qurbani is held after Eid prayer. 

We distribute fresh Qurbani meat on the same day to those in need, and we provide enough meat for a family of five.

Share for the love of Allah 

Vulnerable Kid Holding Qurbani Meat Bag

You will truly make their Eid big with your small sacrifice this Eid al Adha! If you donate £25 to Qurbani Donation, you will spread joy and help people experiencing the struggles of life, and you will gain countless rewards in return.

Your Qurbani Donation will make a difference in the lives of those in need since 100% of your donation will go to them. It doesn’t need to be this way. You can make a small sacrifice and give your Qurbani online to a family in need.

From just £25, You can book your Qurbani and provide a family in need with meat to celebrate Eid al Adha!

Qurbani Rules & FAQS

Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) had a series of dreams where he was being commanded to sacrifice his only beloved son, Ismail. With unwavering devotion to Allah (S.W.T), he prepared to fulfill this divine command. However, Allah (S.W.T) intervened, substituting a ram for Ismail (A.S).

What is Qurbani

Qurbani meaning sacrifice is a ritual made in gratitude and remembrance of Allah.  Livestock such as sheep, goats, cows, or camels, are sacrificed to demonstrate obedience to Allah and honour Prophet Ibrahim's faith and submission, as he was willing to sacrifice his son.

Who should give Qurbani?

Every Muslim is obliged to perform Qurbani, except for those who do not possess the Nisab value, individuals who are not of sound mind, those who have not yet reached puberty, and travellers who are beyond the Shar’i distance from home, i.e. approximately 40-45 kilometres.

When is Qurbani to be given?

The Qurbani sacrifice can only be offered on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah. Sacrifices begin after the Eid prayer at the start of Eid al-Adha and continue until the sun sets on the thirteenth of Dhu'l-Hijjah. 

In total, there are three days for sacrifice: the day of Eid-al-Adha and the two days following it.

When is Eid Al-Adha 2024?

Eid-al-Adha 2024 is anticipated to occur on the 17th of June this year. This means that your Qurbani sacrifice can be performed after the Eid prayers on the 17th of June, until sunset (Maghrib) on  Wednesday, the 19th of June.

Why does the cost of Qurbani differ across organisations and countries?

The cost of Qurbani can differ across countries due to factors like the local cost of living, economic conditions and demand dynamics. 

While sourcing animals from cheaper neighbouring countries and importing is one way to reduce costs, at SKT Welfare, we believe in supporting local farmers in less wealthy Muslim countries by sourcing our animals locally.

We also think the quality of the animal matters a lot. When we do Qurbani, we see it as a special chance to present our very best sacrifice to Allah. That's why our team works hard to find the best animals at the best prices.

Another factor that impacts the price of Qurbani is conflict. For example this year due to the loss of lives and livestock in Gaza, prices of livestock are on the high. However, we believe supporting Gazans instead of importing livestock from Israel is a small sacrifice to pay for the people. 

What is the Nisab for Qurbani?

Nisab is the minimum financial amount an eligible Muslim must have before they are obliged to perform an Islamic duty. Qurbani is mandatory for Muslims who have reached puberty, are eligible to pay Zakat and are of sound mind.

"The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Whoever has the means to sacrifice but does not do so, let him not approach our place of prayer.'" (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Who can receive Qurbani meat? 

The meat from Qurbani animals is to be divided into three equal parts: for family, friends, and the poor, regardless of their religious affiliation. While the skin can be kept for personal use, if sold, the proceeds must be given to those in need.

How do we make your Qurbani count?

When you donate your Qurbani through SKT, we carefully select your animal(s) from trusted sources and ensure they're sacrificed according to sunnah. The meat then goes to those who need it most: poor families with children, widows, orphans, the elderly, and pregnant or nursing mothers in countries across the globe. Our animal skins are also donated to local educational institutions, which then sell them to fund the education of vulnerable children.

How Much Is Qurbani?

Prices for Qurbani differ according to share, animal chosen and country in which Qurbani will be distributed.  Please check our Qurbani page for more details. www.sktwelfare.org/qurbani

How does SKT verify chosen Animal's health & quality?

To ensure that each animal has been cared for according to Shariah and meets the requirements of Qurbani, we carry out the following guidelines:

  1. Select animals that are free from any apparent defects or illnesses. 
  2. Have a qualified veterinarian inspect the animal for weight, health and age suitability, which is typically one year for sheep and goats, two years for cattle and five years for camels.
  3. Ensure that chosen animals have received necessary vaccinations and preventive treatments against common diseases. 
  4. Animals are fed a balanced diet and provided with sufficient water until slaughter.

Can I purchase multiple Qurbani?

Yes of course! You are free to purchase as many shares of Qurbani as you like on behalf of yourself and one for each family member, including those who have passed away. 

The Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) encouraged his followers to perform Qurbani and did so himself. It is reported that he sacrificed numerous animals, including camels, sheep, and goats, on behalf of himself and his family members. 

How are animal shares divided for Qurbani 2024?

Large animals such as cows or camels can be divided into seven parts. Muslims may purchase any number of parts or the entire animal for their Qurbani.

Can we give money Instead of Qurbani?

Qurbani is wajib for a person. No other act of worship, such as giving money as charity, can be substituted for it.

Is it compulsory not to cut hair before Qurbani?

Although not compulsory, it’s a Sunnah and highly preferred not to cut hair or nails from the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah until your Qurbani slaughter is completed.

At SKT Welfare we can put your mind at ease by letting you know when your Qurbani is completed, by sending you a text message to confirm it is done.

What is 'where most needed’ Qurbani?

SKT Welfare is here to help if you’re uncertain where to place your Qurbani. With our specialised knowledge and experience, our teams will find the areas where vulnerable families are particularly struggling and have not received enough Qurbani orders. By selecting “Qurbani where most needed” you can let our team at SKT Welfare decide where best to allocate your Qurbani from the countries listed on our website.

What is a 'prophetic Qurbani'?

Prophetic Qurbani is an act of generosity by which those obliged to pay Qurbani, give Qurbani and then give a second Qurbani for those in their Ummah, who for various reasons are unable to perform Qurbani themselves.

By offering a Prophetic Qurbani, you are following in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) footsteps who always sacrificed for those who could not sacrifice from his Ummah.

What is a big Eid pack?

Spread love for Allah (SWT) this Eid by making it extra special for families in need. With a donation of £49 to our big Eid pack, you're not just providing nutritious meat; you're also supplying an ingredients pack to add flavour to their Eid ul Adha meals, along with an Eid gift for vulnerable children.

1 Qurbani part sheep/Goat (£25) + Ingredients pack (£14) + Eid Gift (£10) = £49



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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
