updating to £60,000 as people have been so generous and I have reached the £50,000 target.
Ramadan 2025 Deployment
Jordan Palestinian / Syrian refugee camps.
As Salaamu Alaykium
Last year your donations helped feed 3,000 families in Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon. The generosity of our community has often made me appreciate the collective impact we can make. This year a team of brothers and sisters are heading off to Jordan to do the same but with the goal of feeding 5,000+ families.
Alhumdulillah we are approaching the month of Ramadan. For me, 2025 means travelling to Jordan, distributing food parcels and making life a little easier for our brothers and sisters facing challenging conditions in refugee camps. A handful of sweets to a child then seeing a beaming smile spread across their face is what I’ll reflect on this Ramadan.
A £50 food parcel includes staple foods to help sustain a family of 5 throughout this Ramadan. Our focus is on providing nutritious options that cater to the cultural and dietary requirements of our recipients.
In addition fresh fruit and dates will be provided to ensure families have access to vital nutrients.
We will also be distributing essential hygiene packs to help our sisters maintain their dignity and prevent illnesses.
I am targeting £50,000 in total donations which will help feed a 1,000 families.
The following donations are applicable: Zakat, Sadaqa, Fidya, Kaffara, and Lillia. Each of these has its significance and enables donors to fulfill their religious obligations while supporting a worthy cause.
Thank you for your donation may Allah SWT accept all your charity, dua’s and intentions and reward you both in this life and the next. Ameen.
All volunteers will be self funding the costs for flights / hotels / transport and meals. 100% of your donations will be directed towards locally procuring and distributing the above listed items for the recipients.
If you are a UK Taxpayer, please click the "Gift Aid". For every £1 donated, SKT can claim an extra 25p from the UK government. This will be used for SKT admin and project delivery expenses. You can also claim back income tax for your donations.
May Allah accept our deeds and bring peace to our Muslim friends.
HK - Bank
Shukran Mr Khan!
Thank you so very much for all your hard work and so very proud of all of you.
Great work Mohammed. Look forward to hearing all about it.
Many blessings and more power to you Mohammed! Your personal sacrifice will be rewarded.
Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.