Shazia Bi
May Allah swt reward you for your efforts and make this journey easy for you all!
Asia Najib
Proud of you noori!
Rashda Parveen and Family
Kalim and Family
From the bake sale in Halifax
Please make dua for me and my family's health.
Good luck - hope the trip goes well and Allah blesses all you do to help others xx
May Allah swt accept all our efforts ameen
May Allah bless the work you are carrying out. May it be a blessing and mercy to every receiver and every hand that makes it possible for each morsel to reach those in need.
Wishing you all the best, from everybody at Beech Hill School
Please accept as sadqah for my parents
May Allah SWT reward you for all your efforts!
Can it please be used for food packs & aid trucks please for the needy
Beech hill naayel
Keep up the amazing work!
Well Done Noorie! Changa kaam kiti
Moosa Raja
Keep up with your amazing work!!
May Allah SWT ease the suffering of all mankind around the world… Ameen
Thank you to everyone who came out to support this wonderful cause!
May Allah swt reward you all the best from aunty shaien
May Allah make it easy for you Noori!
Love Barji xx
Good luck, hope all goes well. Lots of love & Duas. Somia & Aamir
You got this Kuriyeh, you will hit your target so easily and then think why was I even worried? Allah was with me the whole time x
I pray Allah blesses you abundantly for the charity work you're doing. Yamna & Almas xx
Good luck Noorie. Allah swt reward u ten folds for this wonderful thing you're doing x
Allahuma barik. Insha'Allah you reach your target.
Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.