Join us on an impactful journey abroad to make a difference!

Why only see the world when you can change it? 

We are excited to announce our upcoming deployments for 2025. As an SKT Welfare volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to travel to Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco, Lebanon, and Bangladesh to directly assist refugees by delivering essential food packs to homes, schools, and orphan care facilities.

This unique experience goes beyond just travel—it's a chance of a lifetime to connect with beneficiaries of your service and witness the profound impact of humanitarian aid while gaining insight into the living conditions and challenges faced by millions across the globe.


Deployments Schedule For 2025:

From  To Location
15 February 2025 22 February 2025 Jordan
15 March 2025 22 March 2025 Jordan/Syria
12 April 2025 19 April 2025 Bangladesh
24 May 2025 31 May 2025 Syria
23 August 2025 30 August 2025 Lebanon
25 October 2025 1 November 2025 Pakistan
20 December 2025 27 December 2025 Jordan/Syria

For further dates and deployment queries please contact us on: [email protected]


All our Turkey Deployment volunteers are required to raise a set amount of funds before traveling, which enables you to see your fundraising efforts transform into essential aid. There’s nothing more rewarding than joining one of our Deployment teams. Some people travel to see the difference, but this is your chance to be the difference!

“From the very first pound I raised of my target, right down to the last parcel I delivered to a family in need, the Turkey Deployment was definitely an emotional and humbling experience.

The days I spent in Reyhanli, Turkey, helped me to understand that continuous acts of charity are paramount to ensure that we mean it when we say: love for your brother what you love for yourself.” Sofia, Turkey Deployment volunteer

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Pakistan Deployment

SKT Welfare also carries out volunteer deployment programmes in Pakistan to help vulnerable communities.

First, we fly out as a team to Multan where we spend the first three days packing food parcels, which can take between six to eight hours a day. Each parcel contains a substantial amount of nutritious food, weighing approximately 30 kg and comprising essentials like rice, oil, and pasta.

After the third day, we begin distributing the food parcels and we also get the opportunity to work with our medical experts to assist them at our eye health camps. Altogether, we will distribute around 3,000 food parcels and carry out around 1,500 eye tests during your stay.

Our Pakistan deployment enables you to see, first-hand, the real, tangible difference that humanitarian aid delivery can make, while our experienced teams on the ground will provide you with all the support and guidance you need, every step of the way.


Bangladesh Deployment

Joining our team of volunteers on our Bangladesh Deployment mission is a life-changing experience, enabling you to truly understand the issues faced by refugees forcibly displaced from their homes in Myanmar.

After arriving in Bangladesh, we spend the first day acclimatising to our new environment. On day 2 we go to the Cox’s Bazaar station post where we are told which camp to distribute to. There are about 24 camps in total and we will drive to the camp that is most in need of aid, distributing parcels according to military guidelines. We spend the next five days distributing vital aid among Rohingya refugees.

Our Bangladesh deployment enables you to spend time with our beneficiaries and see, first-hand, the real, tangible difference that humanitarian aid delivery can make, while our experienced teams on the ground will provide you with all the support and guidance you need, every step of the way.

All our Bangladesh Deployment volunteers are required to raise a set amount of funds before travelling, which enables you to see your fundraising efforts transform into essential aid. Get ready for a life-changing experience that enables you to be the difference to those in desperate need.


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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

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