What is a Deployment?

Several times a year, we take groups of aspiring changemakers out to Turkey, Pakistan, and Bangladesh for a one-week deployment to deliver essential aid to those in need.

During the course of the week, volunteers identify families in remote areas for door-to-door deliveries, distribute food parcels, visit the school, orphan care facilities, eye camps, as well as spend time with locals. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity with many volunteers signing up for another deployment as soon as they return!


When do the Deployments take place?

Deployments take place throughout the year. Contact us to find out when the next one is! Email [email protected] 

Do I need any spending money?

We advise individuals not to take any large amount of cash with them. Please use a travel card If you are intending on traveling after the deployment.

What does a typical week on Deployment look like?

Below is an itinerary of our Turkey deployments:

Day 1

All volunteers meet at Istanbul Ataturk Airport (IST) to catch the internal flight to Hatay (HTY) - once you arrive at the hotel a photocopy of your passport will be taken and a room will be allocated to you with another person.

Day 2

After breakfast, all volunteers are given an introduction by the SKT Turkey team to the deployment and what the schedule will be for the rest of the week. After this, volunteers are taken to the warehouse and spend the whole day packing roughly 1,500 food parcels!

Day 3

Volunteers go to the warehouse to load trucks with the food parcels in preparation for the first day of distribution! The distribution will take place at the stadium where Syrian families will be present along with their ID cards, once they have shown the appropriate documentation they will receive a food parcel from one of us! This is a great chance for you to communicate and hear first-hand harrowing stories of their journey and the war.(Translators are available). Day 4

We continue our distribution efforts in various villages and camps around Reyhanli such as Tyzaya-Sansaren, Kafr Shkaya camp, and Haran camp. Day 5 We visit and distribute food parcels to rehabilitation centres and some homes of the wounded. During the afternoon we will visit our Springs of Hope Family Centre. Day 6 We spend the day at SKT Welfare’s Springs of Hope Family Centre and have an opportunity to relax, play with the children and speak to the mothers. This really is the highlight of the trip and one of the most enjoyable parts of the Turkey Deployment!

Day 7

We return back to the UK...until next time!

Who can come on a deployment?

Everybody over the age of 18 can take part in the deployment. The experience can be quite challenging and full on. There is a role for everyone on deployment. The deployment is open to both males and females alike. Please note that the deployment can be emotionally and physically straining so please ensure you’re in a good shape to load and unload the food parcel. 

Is it safe?

Yes, we are in constant communication with the team in Turkey and they send regular updates on the situation there. To date, we have taken fifteen teams with well over two hundred volunteers and thankfully never had an incident. Your safety is our main priority, if for any reason there are safety concerns, we will notify you straight away and will cancel the deployment until things settle down. 

Is it really a 100% donation policy?

Yes. Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used for serving those in need, not administrative nor overhead costs, which are either covered by direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid. This unique policy sets us apart from most international NGOs and is the guiding principle of the organisation. Our work is carried out by experienced, committed volunteers and is overseen by trustees with professional, management and charity sector experience. None of our work is outsourced to other agencies, preventing possible conflicts of interest, and the charity takes complete ownership for delivering aid and fulfilling projects with absolute transparency and integrity. 

What clothing shall I take with me?

It is advised to take comfortable clothing with you, especially comfortable, solid shoes. You will each be given five red SKT Welfare t-shirts which you must wear at all times when you leave the hotel. During the colder seasons, you will also be given a fleece jacket.  

Can I take anything for the children?

Yes, you are welcome to take sweets for the children. It is better to take small lollies as you can take a greater amount in quantity and ensure every child receives at least one sweet! 

What is the fundraising target for the deployment?

Each volunteer has a target of £2.000, but this does not mean that you have to stop once you hit the target; aim high and achieve more! Don’t worry if you are finding it difficult to raise the money as we have tips in place just to help you. Just give us a shout! 

What are the funds used for?

The funds you raise will be used to pay for the food parcels you pack whilst out there, everything will be brought in advance. 

Do I need travel insurance?

Yes, but please note the area where you will be for the duration of the deployment, Reyhanli, is not covered by main travel insurance companies. 

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
