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76 years and 11 months of Occupation and War on Gaza

The War on Gaza is a stain on humanity.

After decades of occupation and months of crippling blockades and repeated bombings, the civilians we serve in Gaza are honestly enduring unimaginable hardship. 

Nothing, no one, and no place in Gaza is safe. Children, families, schools, and shelters, are targeted daily as bombs fall indiscriminately. Worse, access to clean water, food, and healthcare has been severely disrupted, https://youtu.be/Pdm7L-8vdg4leaving countless wounded and struggling to survive.

The Current Situation is Alarming
In Gaza alone, at least 40,265 people have been killed, including nearly 16,500 children, while more than 93,144 have been injured and over 10,000 are missing. Within the occupied West Bank, at least 640 people have been killed, including more than 147 children, with over 5,400 injured. These numbers continue to rise every day as airstrikes and bombs persist. 

Children are without shelter or food, the wounded have no access to medical aid, and illegal detentions and diseases are on the rise as Gaza has been cut off from the rest of the world. The tightening of the siege on Gaza, including cuts to food, medicine, fuel, and aid supplies, constitutes collective punishment for the 2.2 million residents, half of whom are children.


In the midst of all these,Gaza has reported its first polio case in 25 years.

A 10-month-old baby in war-shattered Gaza has been paralysed by the type 2 polio virus, the first such case in the territory in 25 years.

The reemergence of polio is a direct consequence of Gaza's destroyed infrastructure, crippled health system, aid restrictions, and massive displacement, all of which have fueled the virus's resurgence. Without swift humanitarian intervention and medical delivery, an entire generation of children is at risk of paralysis from this preventable disease.

"We have nothing. No food, no water, no homes... If you get wounded or sick and need to go to the hospital, you can’t—anything could fall from the sky at any moment, and the hospitals are already full."

Food Parcel– Without food and water, Gazans face grave risks.

Over 94% of the water in Gaza is unsafe to drink, and more than 1 million Palestinians are experiencing catastrophic hunger with no access to essential food supplies.

Among them, over 90% of young children, and pregnant, and breastfeeding women are surviving on just two or fewer food groups. Tragically, there have been 28 reported deaths from starvation and dehydration, many of them infants under 12 months old, due to severe malnutrition.

Since 2014, SKT Welfare volunteers have been on the ground, delivering thousands of food parcels and water across Gaza. We’ve provided over £5 million worth of aid to people in Gaza and Gaza refugee camps in Jordan.

Donate a Food Parcel today.


How We Are Delivering Aid In Gaza?

Since 2014, SKT Welfare has been on the ground in Gaza supporting the people. To date, we have delivered over £6 million worth of aid, to Gaza, helping thousands of families across the strip.

Our aid efforts in Gaza are twofold, aligned with our values of due diligence and immediate response. We focus not only on immediate relief but also on sustainable development to ensure that our efforts make a lasting difference. These aid efforts include the daily delivery of clean water, bread, hot meals, through our network of 8 kitchens across the strip as well as medical support. Additionally, we run orphan care programmes that offer crucial emotional and psychological support for children who have lost their parents due to the conflict.

Currently, SKT Welfare provides over 12,000 litres of clean water, 750 loaves of bread, and 5,000 hot meals daily. This essential aid helps combat the widespread famine and dire water conditions facing Gaza's population. In addition to these essential aids, SKT Welfare continues to play a key role in improving healthcare in Gaza by supplying much-needed medicines and medical equipment to hospitals and clinics struggling to cope with the high number of casualties. Just recently in May 2024, we funded the expansion of Al-Aqsa Hospital, adding 200 beds so that more patients and victims of the ongoing war on Gaza can receive the treatment they desperately need.


The Heart-breaking Tale of a HOME Reduced to Rubble

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

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