

Millions of vulnerable Syrians need your help.

The Facts :
70% of people in Shaam have no access to safe drinking water.

Years of ongoing conflict has caused mass water shortages and damage to many existing water sources throughout the country.

Clean water is scarce, leaving millions at serious risk of contracting waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea and dysentery.

For a small donation of XX you can help us provide Shaam with safe, clean water; donate today to save lives.

Almost 70% of people in Shaam have no access to safe drinking water.

Millions of vulnerable Syrians need your help. Years of conflict have put their country into turmoil; clean water is hard to find and many people fear for their health with every sip of water they take.

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Thirst Relief for Syrian Families  

Millions of vulnerable Syrians need your help. Years of conflict have put their country into turmoil; clean water is hard to find and many people fear for their health with every sip of water they take.  

There are currently 6.6 million internally displaced people in Syria, many of them unable to meet their daily water needs. Water shortages throughout the nation have left people fighting for their lives, with no choice but to use dirty, contaminated water to drink, cook, clean and wash with.

Syria is in dire need of clean water, and SKT Welfare has set out to help hydrate Syrian communities by drilling wells, installing water hand pumps and delivering barrels of safe, fresh water directly to the homes of people in need.  

Our teams on the ground deliver water to Syrian families every day, distributing around 30 barrels of clean water a day. Each family receives 5 barrels of fresh water with every delivery, providing them with a safe means to drink without worry.   

A £20 donation could help supply water to Syria, keeping families healthy and hydrated every month. Make a donation today to bring clean water to Syrians and give them a source of safe water they can rely on.  


Safe Water


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Safe Water


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Our 100% donation policy means that  every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using  Gift Aid.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

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