
Rebuilding Al-Shifa Hospital: A Lifeline for Gaza

One of the largest medical centres in Gaza, Al-Shifa Hospital, was reduced to rubble during Israel’s brutal invasion on 18th March 2024. After a two-week siege, which ended in April, this hospital, which once provided life-saving treatments, saw its specialised surgery departments completely destroyed and dozens of patients that were trapped by the siege, tragically killed and buried in mass graves.

More than just a hospital, Al-Shifa was the beating heart of healthcare in Gaza. A place where families sought treatment, care, and hope. It was a symbol of Palestinian resilience and strength, standing firm in the face of adversity and providing care to thousands of people.


Al-Shifa will stand again

Despite the destruction, SKT Welfare is determined to rebuild Al-Shifa Hospital, ward by ward. We refuse to let this symbol of Palestinian strength be silenced. Insha Allah, families, children, and the most vulnerable will once again find essential medical care, comfort, and hope within the walls of Al-Shifa.

Why Rebuilding Al-Shifa Matters

Al-Shifa, which means “cure,” has long been a lifeline and a testament to the unbreakable will of the Palestinian people. It has saved thousands of lives, and with your support, it will continue to save countless more.

Rebuilding Al-Shifa is a matter of urgency. It is not just any hospital, it's a symbol of resistance, survival, and freedom, for the people of Palestine. Every day, more lives are at risk. The number of wounded continues to grow, and far too many are left without the critical care they need to survive


Your support is crucial. 

We need your help to make this vital project a reality. Rebuilding Al-Shifa requires significant funding, and your donations are key to restoring this lifeline. 

Together, we can restore that lifeline. 

A donation of £250 can make a difference in bringing this hospital back to life, allowing the people of Palestine to enjoy life-saving and other essential medical care.


“Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.” (Qur’an 5:32).

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Support to rebuild Al Shifa Hospital


Al Shifa Hospital

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Support to rebuild Al Shifa Hospital


Al Shifa Hospital

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Support to rebuild Al Shifa Hospital


Al Shifa Hospital

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

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